March Obsessions!

So excited for this month!

Color Runs!!
So I'm finally doing it! I'm running a 5k this year. I've already started my training (the Couch to 5k app; if you haven't already tried it, know that it really does work!) so I'll for sure be prepared this time. I'm sure you've probably heard of a Color Run before, but in case you haven't, it's basically described as the "happiest 5k on the planet". They're not timed and, at every kilometer, you get doused in different colors so that you look like a rainbow by the time you get to the finish. This year's Color Run in Savannah will include glitter which I'm super excited about. I'm running with the Fort Stewart Fit Club group (if you're reading this and you live here, feel free to register with us and snag that discount!). FYI promotional pricing ends on the 15th of this month. See you in May!

Farmers Markets are BACK!
So you know by now, I'm obsessed with Farmers Markets. Which is why I'm super excited that the one here in Hinesville officially re-opened last Thursday. I love the Bountiful Baskets program as well, but the last couple of baskets have gone completely to waste because the hubby and I can never eat/ can/ freeze fast enough. I want to continue eating healthier, so I figure shopping at the Farmers Market will be much smaller quantities; therefore, much easier to consume as quickly as possible. (Check here for a Farmers Market near you)

First Day of Spring
So it's a little under two weeks away and I must say, thank God! I don't know about you, but I'm so entirely over this crappy weather. If you're reading this and you're stationed somewhere up North, than I'll kindly shut up; I know you've dealt with way worse than anything down here. If you're living here, you know we don't really have Spring in Southern Georgia. It'll be cold every day and then one day the switch will flip, and it'll be warm! Totally waiting on that switch to flip.

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