Making Promotional Points (Or, as I Like to Call It, Leveling Up)

So, if you're reading this post hoping for answers on how achieve the coveted "P status", you're out of luck. I know very little in that department. I've discussed the process with the hubby briefly, but, every time I bring it up, I get the vibe that he would rather do it on his own. You know, get the points, get the promotion and then basically tell me where to show up.

Here's what I do know. Those slightly irritating things they have to do that always seem to come up last minute and ruin your plans? (WLC: they're basically ghosts for four weeks. Or going to the range). They're for a good cause. So maybe give your soldier a break the next time he or she squashes your plans for a Disney World weekend (like mine did). These programs earn your soldier a decent amount of points if they excel. Apparently, they get points for passing their PT tests as well, which is why I suppose I should kick mine in the butt every time he reaches for an extra donut. The biggest (and easiest, from what I hear) way to earn points is to take classes on the JKO website. The classes are super easy. For example, there's literally a class on Windows 8 (that should probably be some sort of requirement for everyone, military or not. Windows 8 is the devil).

I tried to help the hubby out by setting reminders on my phone for "study time", helping him figure out the point cycle (apparently they announce points towards the end of the month but there's a cutoff date before that for when the points have to be in the system). But, to be honest, he seems to do best when left to his own devices. He works on the JKO classes at work during his free time and he did WLC already. Sat for the board too (I swear, I was a nervous wreck the whole day). So now, I kind of just let him do his thing. I'm a bit of a control freak so this is not an easy thing to do.

Feverishly working with the hubby (or wife) to make points? My biggest piece of advice is to try to relax and not let the point system drive you nuts, because, believe me, it can. Even if he's studying for the most important board ever or working on WLC homework, try to still make time for things that take both of your minds completely off the process. At least that's what I'm saying now. Ask me again once points come out.

Is your soldier working on making points? I'd love to know how it's going!

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